I couldn’t really believe my ears when I heard the judge declare that:
I couldn’t really believe my ears when I heard the judge declare that:
Here is a copy of the MIT license. One of the well-known open source licenses. It is, effectively, the only license that I’ve used for software I wrote or contributed in the last 10 years:
Recent events have made me reflect on a few things in my life I was already thinking about for a while. Also, responses on social media have made me realize that people have strange expectations from me, and what my role in the Bitcoin Core project is.
I’ve put up a (read-only) mirror of various bitcoin-related git repositories at nxshomzlgqmwfwhcnyvbznyrybh3gotlfgis7wkv7iur2yj2rarlhiad.onion. This is a Tor v3 hidden service, which means that at least Tor is required to access it.
I’m happy with the job I’m doing, happy to work with a few very smart people on an extremely interesting project, involving various entirely new challenges, that could have enormous impact. But on the other hand Bitcoin infrastucture development must be one of the most hostile and crazy working environments in existence, at least in software development.